Delivery and Returns


How much does the delivery cost?

Delivery is free in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia.

Italy delivery is free in postcode areas: 00-06, 10-69, 71, 76-83, 86. 

For delivery to any other country, please email for a quote.

Delivery is charged at the below rates for the following countries:


Tripod Ladder Size

1.8m - 2.4m

Tripod Ladder Size

3.0m- 4.8m


Delivery Area B

07-09, 70, 72-75, 84-85, 87-98





Norway - Currently unable to deliver.

Delivery Area A

00-24, 27-34, 37, 39, 40, 46, 50,51, 58, 70, 74





Norway - Currently unable to deliver.

Delivery Area B Fiordland

25-26, 35-36, 38, 41, 44-45, 47-49, 52-57, 59-69, 71-73, 75-99






Delivery Area A

01 - 81






Delivery Area B







What is the delivery time?

Depending on the country delivery is between 5- 14 working days * depending on location.

The local courier will contact you before they make delivery to agree on a suitable date.

Do I have to be at home to receive the goods?

Yes, the courier requires a signature. The goods cannot be left unattended. Please check the ladder is not visibly damaged before you sign and accept it.

Problems with delivery

Please contact us if you encounter any problems. We are here to help you.


Return and exchange

To request a return shipment, please email , we will then determine a suitable collection option together with you.

In the event of manufacturing defects or transport damage, Henchman BV will, at its own discretion - provide Henchman with a full replacement product or the relevant replacement parts, provided that the notification of the damage has been received by Henchman in writing or by e-mail within 14 days of the delivery date; these will be sent without further product or shipping costs.

Henchman BV arranges and, if necessary, pays for the collection of the damaged item. The customer is requested to cooperate in the preparation of the product to be returned.

You can still return/ exchange unused goods in accordance with the provisions of our standard terms and conditions, but we will charge you for return costs, the cost of the return will depend on the size of the goods, which will amount to:

€75 for a 1.8m, 2.4m tripod ladder

€125 for a 3.0m, 3.6m, 4.2m, 4.8m tripod ladder

We do not accept further returns for used goods unless we are required to do so by applicable law.



Customers can cancel their order for any reason within 14 days of receipt.

If manufacturing or transport damage is not the reason for cancellation, Henchman BV will proceed to a full refund, subject to our general terms and conditions. It is possible that Henchman BV must inspect the goods and/or photos before determining the probable cause of the damage.

To receive a full refund, the goods must be received by Henchman BV in new condition, suitable for resale at full list price. Henchman aims to issue refunds within 14 days of product arrival at our office.